Home Learning

Year 3

  • Amaan in 3K has made some excellent stick puppets to help him retell the story of The Gruffalo to his family.
  • Azaan in 3T has shown an act of kindness by writing a letter to the NHS to show how thankful him and his family are for their hard work during this time.
  • Saleh in 3G found some leaves on one of his daily walks and did some beautiful leaf rubbing with crayons.
  • Jugraj in 3T has drawn and labelled parts of the body, showing what he has remembered from our ‘How do our skeletons help us?’ learning question in the Autumn term.
  • Kerijah in 3G has used clay at home to complete Miss Ennew’s challenge of recreating Stonehenge.
  • Emaan in 3T has received a Blue Peter badge for her efforts to help the environment! She is very environmentally friendly and always wanting to make sure we are keeping our world healthy.

Year 4

  • Aleks(4H) has been remembering all the fascinating facts we learned on our Anglo-Saxon walk through Southampton and has been creating his own information map.
  • Khushi (4C) has been thinking hard about her responses to our new text, Whizziwig by Malorie Blackman.  Khushi has also made some great art pieces and pottery!
  • Alishba (4H) has created a great Roman factsheet, which is beautifully presented.
  • Furqan (4E) is really enjoying the pictures and questions from Pobble 365 and is also making sure he practises his maths skills every day.
  • Harpreet(4E) has written a really thoughtful piece based on one of our pictures of the tunnel.
  • Yusuf(4C) & Heidy (4C) have both produced beautiful artwork inspired by Van Gogh.
  • Tanvir (4C) used the NASA website to research our solar system and what is special about Earth.

Year 5

  • Louis (5B) has earned his Bronze Trophy from Active Learn Primary
  • Louis (5B) has also earned his Gold Trophy on Active Learn Primary playing The Maths Factor.
  • Lilianna (5M) has started a science experiment, focusing on the growth of watercress
  • Chetu (5H) took the time to create some amazing artwork
  • Raiens (5H) has created an Aztec temple for his home learning
  • Neelesh (5M) has been working on his English and maths for his home learning
  • Izabella (5B) has been keeping fit with Joe Wicks workout! She has also has done some great home learning
  • Maryam (5B) has made a thank you NHS poster to celebrate all the hard work of our key workers
  • Anwar (5H) has been competing in Rock stars (top of leader board at the moment)

Here is a message from Anwar:

Hello Year 5 team it is Anwar and I’m writing to say on times table rock star I have been playing for hours and I have reached the level rock star. I’ve also played garage and ended up with the time expected for a rock hero.

In the time I have acquired at home I have read 34 pages on active learn.

ave acquired at home I have read 34 pages on active learn.

Year 6

  • Inaya (6B) and Yuman (6M) performed an experiment on a potato, where they had to see the effects salt has and why keeping hydrated is important.
  • Hanna (6B), Krish (6M) and Yuman (6M) have been creating some home learning posters with top tips for learning at home
  • Krish (6M) created a beautiful piece of artwork inspired by Dutch artist Vermeer
  • Zunairah (6M) and Inaya (6B) have done some revision work on the heart and why it is important to keep it healthy
  • Zahra (6B), Zunairah (6M) and Inaya (6B) came up with creative ways of writing weekly spelling words
  • Some of the Yr 6 children had a go at making origami animals