Council of Beliefs

The Council of Beliefs is a group of pupils nominated themselves to represent different religions, sets of values and beliefs. There first piece of work is to make a film about Christmas. The children have researched, discussed and explained their practices, asked each other questions and hugely impressed everyone they have worked with. They have also established a Modus Operandi to guide how they work:
Hamdi: We ask questions in order to learn more.
Ranveer: We respect each other.
Krishan: We tie the knots and make the connections between our religions and beliefs.
Allen: We learn by listening.
Favian: We look for our similarities.
Sargun: We discuss our thoughts and accept that other people’s thoughts and beliefs may be different.
Yusaf: We share what knowledge we have and gain knowledge from others.
Kareena: We share the traditions from our celebrations.
As you can see, the Council of Beliefs is NOT about conversion or promoting any religion as more important than another. It is about building respect and making connections.
The film will be shared during the last week of term, helping us all learn more about what are religious practices, cultural traditions and similarities to other faiths.
Please view our Christmas film below.
Please view our Ramadan and Eid video below: