COVID-19 Updates

Y5 and Y6 to arrive at 08:30 and leave at 15:15. Y3 and Y4 to arrive at 08:45 and leave at 15:30.

School reopens on Monday 7th September 2020

Please remember that we have email addresses and an emergency phone number for you to use, if you need help:

Y3 Team [email protected]
Y4 Team [email protected]
Y5 Team [email protected]
Y6 Team [email protected]
Headteacher or Senior Leader [email protected]
School Emergency Phone Number
07960 709665

Emergency Contact

In order to provide as much support as we can, we have arranged an emergency contact number. This is because school will be shut and we will not be able to access our normal phones. In the event of an emergency, please call and leave a message or send a text message. You must  state:

  • Your child’s name and class
  • Reason for calling

If this facility is saturated it will be suspended—it can only be for emergencies.

Youtube Channel

The staff at Mount Pleasant do not have ambitions to be Youtube sensations. They are bravely offering to make learning, activity and storytime films to support your children at what we know will be a challenging time. Please follow these instructions and rules:

  • Supervise your child on Youtube so that they access our learning films and other appropriate films you have approved
  • Marvellous Me links directly to our Youtube Channel
  • There is no option to comment on our learning films: Although I am sure the feedback would be positive, we do not require any—thank you!

Marvellous Me

Teachers will set work for each year group using Marvellous Me—just as we have always done. As much as we can, we will try to ensure that the right work is assigned to the right pupil. Please understand that this will be our best efforts. Don’t forget that you can email a request and we will try our best to help.

Self-isolation and Social Distancing

If you or anyone in your house has Coronavirus symptoms, you must ALL self-isolate for 14 days.


  • Fever
  • Dry Cough
What should I do to self-isolate?
Don’t Do

· Have visitors

· Leave your home

· Keep 3 steps away from people in your home, especially the elderly or those with health conditions

· Have deliveries left outside

· Sleep alone, if possible

· Regularly wash your hands

· Drink plenty of water and take paracetamol to help with your symptoms

I am not self-isolating, what should I do?

· Group gatherings

· Restaurants or cafes

· Sleep overs

· Playdates

· Visiting the elderly with children

· Crowded shops

· Gyms

· Visitors to the home

· Non-essential workers in the home

· Essential visit to  food shops

· Essential visit  to pharmacy

· Essential visit to GP
(if instructed by GP)

· Working in the home

· DIY at home

· Reading

· Video calls

· Phone calls