If you are learning about rivers, what better way than to walk alongside one and paddle upstream! When Year 5 tackled their learning questions ‘How does a river flow from source to sea?’ they set off on an adventure… First of all they walked alongside the river from our school to Woodmill, then they climbed aboard Canadian Canoes to paddle themselves upstream.
“It was a fun experience and very educational. I learnt a lot about the river and how to row in the canoe.” – Ana 5B
“It was very adventurous and a bit tricky to row the boat as it was so windy but it was really fun” – Styne 5B
“I loved it! Paddling was so much fun. At first I didn’t know how to control the boat, but now I do”- Makarim, 5H
“It was really fun! Before we went, I was scared but when we did it I felt really confident and my fear went away. It was the first time I went canoeing” – Yara, 5B
“Year 5 went on a fantastic adventure canoeing up the River Itchen to support their learning about Rivers. For many children it was their first experience in a canoe and I am very proud of them for their rowing and enthusiasm, despite the rain!” – Miss Brown, USK2 Lead