Year 3 had a wonderful time walking to St Mary’s Church as part of our Geography learning. We planned our route before leaving using a printout from google maps. When planning, we ensured we followed the safest and most sensible route. This meant we could avoid busy roads.
We also learnt about residential, commercial and industrial land use. While we were walking, this is what we observed. We noticed that Derby Road is mainly residential as it has lots of houses and as we got closer to the church we noticed more commercial land use. Ismail in 3T said ‘Derby Road is mainly residential but it has some commercial too. Some of the buildings are residential and commercial because they are shops with flats above.’
Returning to school, we created our own maps showing the route, buildings and land use. A great day was had by all and Year 3 behaved impeccably, an excellent representation of Mount Pleasant Junior School!