Recently, Y3 visited Southampton City Art Gallery as part of their curriculum learning question: ‘How can I visit an art gallery?’

Ishika, 3T

Q: What did you learn ?

A: When you go to a precious place you don’t touch anything unless told to.


Q: What did you think about the art?

A: It was very nice because the art included lots of different techniques.


Q: What did you see?

A: I saw different types of art and sculptures.


Q: What did you find most interesting?

A: The sculptures because they looked realistic.

Blogged and typed by Inji, 3T


Nihan 3K

Q:Did you make anything?

A: At the art gallery, I drew an angel.


Q: What did you find most interesting?

A: I found that the most interesting thing was the golden hare sculpture.


Q: What did you see?

A: I saw the painting of Napoleon


Q :What were the highlights of your visit?

A: The best bit of my day was acting out being a statue.

Blogged and typed by Zainuddin Mohammed, 3K