Y5 were very lucky this week. They were invited to King Edward’s school to watch their performance of Matilda. Here is what they thought:
“I liked that everyone stood up for Matilda in the show. I liked the work they all put in.” – Taba, 5M
“I liked when the actors went on the stairs and when the disco ball changed colours.” – Aidan, 5M
“It was very good because so many children were performing. The stage was very colourful and the acting was very good.” – Yashika, 5B
“It was fun to watch and I know the children worked hard to perform it. There was colourful lights and their acting and expressions were very good.” – Maya, 5B
“I loved the acting, the songs and everything about the play. It was so good!” – Lia, 5B
“It was so funny, I kept laughing.” – Sha-Nelle, 5H