Our Y5 children recently went on a trip to the Winchester Science Centre for their topic about space and the moon. Here’s what they thought of their day out:

“We went to the planetarium and we explored all the activities. Then we were called by the teacher to learn about the solar system.” – Kareena, 5B

“I enjoyed the exhibit and the interactive activities. I learnt about air resistance. pressure, space and constellation,” – Qisma, 5B

“I saw lots of exciting things, stars and a massive moon. It was beautiful. There was different shapes and sizes.” – Amman, 5B

“I enjoyed everything, but one thing caught my eye, testing out the fun equipment.” – Satraj, 5M

“I enjoyed all the different things and and how they worked.” – Jessica. 5H

“I saw all the stars in the planetarium and different planets of the solar system.” – Anas, 5H

Y5 Bloggers – Mamadou, Sehar and Yadvinder