
Our homework provides the opportunity for deliberative practice of skills, knowledge and understanding already taught in school. A little homework each night helps to prepare children for the significant home study expected of them at Secondary School. Homework is set and due back in on the same day of each week.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Number work Spelling & Handwriting Grammar & Handwriting Reading Comprehension Check reading Journals
Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading
Please Do
  • Provide a quiet place for your child to work
  • Encourage your child to work neatly
  • Help your child to organise their time
  • Help your child to look after their school homework books – there is a charge for lost or damaged books
  • Help your child bring the correct book on the right day
  • Check Marvellous Me to see what work they need to complete
Please Don’t
  • Let your child complete more than the teacher directs
  • Let your child work if they are unwell or tired – please write a message to the teacher in their work book
  • Make your child continue with work if they are confused or finding it too difficult – please write a message in their work book