Support for Pupils and Families
My name is Naomi Hanspal and I am the Pupil Engagement Officer at Mount Peasant Junior school.
Please speak to me if you have a concern about your child or your family. I am happy to support you and your family. If you need support for your child or family, you can contact me on 023 802 23634 Or Email [email protected]
Naomi Hanspal
Pupil Engagement Officer

Do you need a safe space to talk or go? Are you worried about a family member? We can help and listen.
Attendance-is your child struggling to come to school? We are happy to work together with parents to help achieve the best outcome for them
To help you decide when your child should remain off school, a simple guide has been produced for a number of the most common illnesses, which can be found at is my child too ill for school? – NHS (
If you are unsure or are worried about your child’s attendance, please contact the school office to arrange a meeting or email me on [email protected]

Holiday or Term Time Leave
Project G Code
Holiday or term time leave should not be taken under any circumstances. Routine appointments should be booked out of school hours whenever possible. In school we have created a booklet to explain more about Project G Code and how long term absence can affect your children.
For more information on Project G Code, pop into the school office for a booklet or contact [email protected]

Health – Did you know there are Public Health Nurses that can support your child with health concerns including sleeping and wetting/soiling? Please contact me for a referral or to discuss further.
Do you need help accessing your GP via an e-consult? Please contact myself on 023 8022 3634 or [email protected] and I will be happy to support with completing the online consultation.
Home issues including, housing, debts, mental health, extra support with food
Do you need support in any of these areas?
- Parenting and behaviour management
- Emotional wellbeing for you or children
- Substance misuse
- Domestic abuse
- Financial advice and support, housing and progression to work
- Staying safe – outdoors and online
If you do, please contact me on 023 8022 3634 or email me at [email protected]
Behaviour – Would you like strategies in managing and understanding your child’s behavior, I am a trained Non-Violence Resistance facilitator and can help you with supporting your child.
Are you worried about your child’s mental health, do they seem anxious or worry a lot?
There is a great amount of support in the local community from Counselling for children and adults, bereavement support, courses, family support. Contact me for information.

Radicalisation or extremism
If someone is identified as being potentially vulnerable to radicalisation or extremism, Prevent puts in place processes to help them. If you have any concerns that someone may be vulnerable to radicalisation you must complete a National Referral Form so that the Prevent team can assess the level of need and develop a response.
Where can I go to get support
There is a lot of support available to keep your child safe online. Below are some useful links to help parents and carers:
Information and reporting of online grooming or sexual abuse