Art and Design Learning Questions

What stories do cave paintings tell?
How can a painting tell a story?
What are the features of cave paintings?
How did cave dwellers make their paint palette and tools?
How can you mark make with cave dweller’s palette and tools
What story does your cave art tell?
Should paintings be realistic?
What is impressionism to an artist?
Who was Monet?
Who was Van Gogh?
How well can you replicate Van Gogh’s Starry Night?
What makes Gormley’s work popular?
What is sculpture?
Where can you see Anthony Gormley’s work?
What inspires Gormley?
How can we manipulate clay with our hands?
How can we replicate ‘Fields of Britain’?
Why is Vermeer considered a master of art?
What do you see when you look at Vermeer’s work?
Who was Vermeer?
How might science have influenced Vermeer?
How can we use mark making to show light and shade?
How can we create a Vermeer style portrait using photography?