Our Reading
At Mount Pleasant Junior School. we know that reading unlocks all learning and we are determined for all pupils to be fluent readers.
Reading Journals
How to use your Reading Journal
- Use the Core Book list to try different books and broaden your reading range.
- Every time you read, complete a sticker and put it into your Reading Journal.
- Earn your reading rewards

You need to learn to read fluently and comprehend what you read.
To improve your reading, you need to practice and use the skills that you are taught.
Reading Badges
Every time our pupils earn 20 reading stickers, they will be awarded with Reading badges for their journals and will be celebrated in our celebration assembly.
Red – 20 Reads
Green – 80 Reads
Orange – 40 Reads
Blue – 100 Reads
Yellow – 60 Reads
Indigo – 120 Reads
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Top tips for reading at home
Sharing Stories
We are fortunate to be a diverse community and celebrate our bi and multi-lingualism. Please use this to support your child’s development in reading by:
Reading books in your home language as well as English
Telling them stories from different countries and cultures
Comparing traditional stories: Is there a version of Cinderella? ♦ A story where good triumphs over evil? ♦ A story with a hero or heroine? ♦ Who are the famous authors and illustrators?